Brand new podcast has landed!

Do you pass the free time Fiji test (Two by Tuesday with Leanne Hughes)

The Fiji Test: If you, or any of your team members were to get whisked off to a three-week surprise vacation, with no devices and no ability to give notice, could the rest of the team seamlessly step in and take over the role?

To celebrate the release of Jenny Blake's new book, Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business, I've dedicated this Two by Tuesday to mapping out what the Free Time process looks like, based on two elements (Time vs Reward)... yes, I sneakily borrowed the idea from the famous Effort: Reward ratio!

As you watch this video, think about your business, or work. Which quadrant are you in?

Two by Tuesday is a weekly segment on Leanne Hughes' Work and Live Large Podcast (

Grab Jenny Blake's book, Free Time over here: