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Turning 40 this week! Time to record a decade manifesto, Leanne’s 12 Rules for Life #shorts

Here’s an extract of my full episode (on YouTube + the First Time Facilitator podcast)

Rule #1: We’re all gonna die
Rule #2: If you’re feeling like a fish out of water, find a new pond
Rule #3: Shake hands with your heroes, they probably have sweaty palms, too
Rule #4: There is no glass ceiling
Rule #5: Your clicking reveals your calling
Rule #6: Live regionally, work globally
Rule #7: Be like Tom Cruise in the moments that matter
Rule #8: Find the pattern interrupter in your life
Rule #9: If you don’t have permission, get permission
Rule #10: Share your work in public
Rule #11: Double click everyday moments
Rule #12: Real wealth is discretionary time (Alan Weiss)

What rule would you add?