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That time I introduced my hero on stage: Leanne Hughes shares Jim Collins' idea on "Return on Luck"

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Pinch me, I'm dreaming.
It's great when you have a moment in life that is SO GOOD, you just can't believe it. Like, it's some type of dream.
My friend, Prina Shah calls these "pinch me" moments.
Luckily, my "pinch me" moment was recorded and I share some footage (and the 2 min story) in this video for you.

In his book Great by Choice, Jim Collins shares a concept called “Return on Luck”.

His research shows that the great companies were not generally luckier than the comparisons—they did not get more good luck, less bad luck, bigger spikes of luck, or better timing of luck.

Instead, they got a higher return on luck, making more of their luck than others.

So, a question you can ask yourself is not: Will you get luck?
The question is, "What will you do with the luck that you do get?"

Have you had a “pinch me” moment in your life? Hit reply and let me know!
It's what I continue to share with my fellow Booked Out Facilitators.

If you're curious about being part of our monthly Booked Out Facilitator calls, and getting access to the in-demand program, hit reply with the subject, LUCKY!