Brand new podcast has landed!

Preparing to be spontaneous in your workshops with Lisa Leong

Psst.. You can also listen to this episode on the First Time Facilitator podcast and join 2500+ facilitators in my free group on Facebook called, The Flipchart

It's not every day you get to hear from someone who's mastered the art of engaging people through radio, law, and facilitation. Lisa's stories are not just inspiring—they're packed with actionable tips you can use to level up your facilitation game.

Today, I'm joined by Lisa Leong, a broadcaster, author, and facilitator.

Her superpowers, which you'll hear very clearly in this episode, are curiosity and creativity.

She's a former IP, technology, and wine lawyer—yes, that's actually a thing. She caught the radio bug in 2001, which is exactly why I brought her on the show.

We delve into the parallels between having talk-back radio and getting listeners to call in to hosting workshops and being truly present.

We also talk about energy, meeting the room where it's at, and the best ways to prepare to be spontaneous—an awesome oxymoron, right?

And Lisa shares how she does this, even down to the detail, like her unique research approach, which includes a bit of LinkedIn stalking.

Lisa draws on her unique experiences, combined with design thinking and mindfulness practices, to bring a fresh approach to conversations and connection.

She presents on ABC Radio Melbourne on Sundays and also hosts 'This Working Life' on ABC Radio National, which is an awesome show.

Resources Mentioned:
"The Skilled Facilitator" by Roger Schwarz