Good leaders are made; they are not born. What does it take to be one?

Leadership is a very critical role in any organization, and oftentimes the success or failure of one depends largely on the kind of leadership that it has. This is why it is essential that leaders in the modern marketplace be equipped with good and effective coaching skills to develop people and lead more effectively.

The popular rhetoric related to coaching tries to teach leaders to be executive coaches; in contrast to that, our guest today believes that coaching is an essential skill that you can bring in handy at any given time.

Clifford Morgan promotes enhanced leadership by teaching leaders essential coaching skills that will help them develop their people every single day and therefore become more effective as leaders.

He is an organizational psychologist and leadership expert who served for more than fifteen years in the Royal Australian Air Force. As a coach, Clifford has worked with CEOs, Military Officers, Government Executives, and business and community leaders across a wide variety of industries. Earlier his month, he published his newest book “The Coaching Leader”.

I met Clifford in Brisbane, but I really didn’t have an idea about his backstory until I have read it in his book. But today, he’ll share that story with us as well as some few snippets of what his new book, “The Coaching Leader”, contains.

A lot of community and business leaders out there really has huge potentials. If they could have the right training to acquire the proper coaching skill set that they need, they could unlock their full potential and become even more effective in their organizations. Tune in as Clifford dives into the details today.

In this conversation, you’ll hear Clifford discuss:
* His experience in Iraq and how it shaped his perspective on work and life
* His new book, “The Coaching Leader”
* The importance of having and creating fun at work
* Having clarity in your message

Rapid Round Recommendations:
Book: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Tool/App: Garmin Smart Watch
Song: “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins
Quote: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” – Joe Maxwell
Quote: “Reflection turns experience into insight.” – Joe Maxwell

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