Dr JJ Peterson shares facilitation advice on Leanne Hughes' First Time Facilitator podcast.

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Learn more about the host, Leanne Hughes' work at https://www.leannehughes.com

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Get more facilitation tips while listening to the First Time Facilitator podcast over at https://www.firsttimefacilitator.com .

Dr JJ Peterson is the Chief of Teaching and Facilitation at StoryBrand and he’s my guest on the show.

It was recorded recently so we do touch on covid-19 and how StoryBrand are pivoting their workshops to online but JJ also shares other useful tips, including managing energy (by paying attention to what you wear), how to start your workshop, the four roles you can play in a story, and what you should vs shouldn’t joke about during a workshop.

I love his clear, explanation on how we can start our workshops by positioning ourselves as the guide. He also shares a framework you can use to market your services, either internally or externally.

I am geeking out over his book he co-authored with Don Miller, it’s called “Marketing Made Simple” and I’m bunkering down over this time, in between other things, to pivot my marketing message using their very simple, practical framework. For me, this book has come around at the right time – if marketing isn’t your strong suit, and hey even if it is, this book is the ultimate guide to update all of your message – highly recommend it.

You can also find out more about Leanne's services at leannehughes.com