Brand new podcast has landed!
Feb. 21, 2022

WALL02: Should you stay or should you go? (Two by Tuesday)

WALL02: Should you stay or should you go? (Two by Tuesday)

Welcome to the first Two by Tuesday! 

In this format, Leanne Hughes creates a 2 x 2 matrix to explain a new concept, idea, or help you to solve a problem. Today's problem is: Should you stay, or should you leave your current job? 

Leanne Hughes' shares some conditions around this, using Hertzberg's motivators and also indicates the two items you should optimise for - alignment and growth potential. 

What do you think? What's missing? Share your comments! 

Two by Tuesday is also available as a weekly format on the podcast, Leanne Hughes' Work and Live Large.

Click here for the show notes, where you can also watch the video!

Connect with Leanne Hughes on all the platforms: